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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1989;18(7-12): 1103-1107.
Tremendous Skull Metastasis from Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma: Case Reort.
Chong Oon Park, Kweon Beong Chae, Young Kim, Young Soo Ha
Department of Neurosurgery, lnha University, College of Medicine, Kyunggido, Korea.
A rare and tremendous skull metastasis from the follicular thyroid carcinoma is reported with review of the articles. Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid with distant metastasis is considered a relatively progressive tumor associated with poor five-year survival rate. The insidious character of the primary growth of the thyroid carcinoma is the long latent period which supervenes between the recognition of the primary growth and its secondary metastasis. The clinicopathological features, plain X-ray and C-T findings are discussed.
Key Words: Skull metastasis; Follicular thyroid carcinoma; Plain X-ray; CT scan
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